Urbics Test-Drive
(Already have a userID/password? Go to the
Find out what Urbics has to offer by trying it for an hour. You'll have access to actual data for a sample area, using the same reports available to regular single-area subscribers.
Learn what's driving roll growth in the Year-To-Year Comparisons, get a picture of the area's major property owners in Large Owners, view a breakdown of the area by land use under Annual Roll Data or try the Search feature. To see how different roll names can be consolidated into a single corporate entity click 'Alternate Names' on the Top Owners report (you can also work with this data as a spreadsheet). You can also create a new area through the Manage Reporting Areas link, then view reports for the new area.
While trying Urbics out, check to see whether we have the counties and areas you're interested in ('Urbics Geographic Coverage' under 'Other Reports'). Let us know if you can't find an area in an existing county, or have questions about particular areas.
Fill out the form below and we will email you a userID and password right away, good for one hour.
Your name:
Your organization:
Your email: